CLARENCE-ROCKLAND – July 14, 2021 - The City of Clarence-Rockland is developing a comprehensive five-year economic development strategy and action plan to identify ways for attracting and retaining current and new investment, to increase local employment, and uncover the city’s economic potential.

Assisting in this process is MDB Insight, an experienced and respected economic development consulting firm that will undertake the research and analysis, as well as consultation and stakeholder engagement, to complete the project.

This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard by the City and to help shape the economic strategic directions moving forward. Please use the URL below to access the survey and provide your responses.

Survey for residents

Survey for businesses

The survey will work on any standard desktop or mobile browser: 

The City of Clarence-Rockland greatly values your input on this important initiative. If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact:


Ali Riel

Economic Development Officer