The Mayor’s Task Force on the future of the Jean Marc Lalonde Arena will provide evidence-informed and action-oriented observations and recommendations to the Clarence-Rockland Council as to the most viable solutions to the future of the building.

It will present a coordinated and practical set of recommendations, which, along with other administrative based recommendations and reports designed to guide council as it makes decisions to address the building. It is important to note that it is not the mandate of the Task Force to opine on the condition elements of the building. The Building Condition Assessments will be conducted by qualified 3rd party consultants as required.

The Task Force will:

a)      Rely on local experience and knowledge obtained through a community-wide collaborative process with key partners;

b)     Research and establish the needs of local organizations, based on sound validated data to outline the recreational (and other) space requirements;

c)      Associate these requirements to the building’s attributes and those of other City infrastructure;

d)     Review any pertinent public reports related to the building and recreational needs such as the recreational master plan and reports to Council;

d) The application of best practices and principles from other cities.


a)      Establish a good understanding of the current needs of various organizations within Clarence-Rockland by produce an environmental scan, through consultation with organizations and groups throughout the community;

b)     Examine the barriers and challenges of the current status;

c)      Focus on recommendation which will address needs throughout the municipality;

d)     Identify and examine potential grants available to the Municipality, and provide an summary of

e)     how the project meets the intentions of the funding.

Staff Support

There will be no staff support assigned to the Task Force.

Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest

All members of the Task Force are expected to abide by the conflict-of-interest provisions as established by the City of Clarence-Rockland, and by the code of conduct provisions established for City Committees.


The Task Force has no budgetary allocation. The City will ensure meeting spaces are provided.

Appointment and Term

Members will be appointed to the Task Force until the end of 2023 or until the final presentation of its recommendations to City Council, at which time the Task Force will be dissolved.


To be determined