If you wish to address Council at a meeting, you may request a delegation. All delegations, when approved, will be addressed to Council at a Committee of the Whole meeting. To see the dates of upcoming meetings, please refer to the Council Calendar.

 How to make a request for a delegation

Any person wishing to address Council shall complete the Delegation Request Form at least seven (7) days prior to the Committee of the Whole meeting. If an application form is received late, or if the agenda is complete, the application form will be considered for the subsequent Committee of the Whole meeting.

Background or relevant information must also be provided with the request form at least seven (7) days prior to the intended Committee of the Whole meeting in order to be included in the Council package for review prior to the meeting.

During the meeting 

Public delegations are always held at the beginning of the meeting. The Mayor will invite delegations to the podium to speak about their issue. Delegation presentations are limited to 10 minutes.

After the presentation, the Mayor and Councilors may ask questions. Council may ask staff to prepare a resolution for consideration at a future meeting. It may also refer the matter to the appropriate department or committee for comment or advice.

Planning Committee meetings

Public meetings held under the Planning Act provide an opportunity for owners/residents to express opinions or comments on an application for approval:

  • Zoning by-law amendments;
  • Official Plan amendments;
  • Subdivision or Condominium plans.

These public meetings are usually held during a Planning Committee meeting with advance notice given to immediate neighbors.

If you do not express your views at the public meeting, or in writing to the Clerk's office before or during the public meeting, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) may deny your objection. The OMB may also dismiss all or part of your appeal without holding a meeting.

In light of this information, no applications for delegation of any aspect of an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law, Subdivision or Condominium Plan Amendment will be accepted between the conclusion of a public meeting and the final reading of the By-law.